







  • 我们决不会为非验证目的向您索取个人信息,包括您的完整社会安全号码或密码。
  • ACFCU有一个强化的防欺诈系统,有自动呼叫、短信和电子邮件选项,供您接收通知和检查可疑的活动和交易。
  • 你可以立即给所提供的命令词发短信,与自动电话系统互动,或与现场代理交谈。
  • 我们要求你保持最新的联系信息,以便我们可以很容易地联系到你并提醒你。
  • 如果你在任何时候怀疑来自ACFCU的通信,请致电 703-526-0200 以验证其有效性--十大棋牌赌钱软件同在,你的福祉是我们的第一要务。







  • 不寻常的账户活动
    • 我们鼓励所有会员定期检查他们的账户交易,看看有没有他们不认识的活动,包括欺诈性存款。 这些存款往往在欺诈者已经提取后被当作假币退回,让你负责这笔钱。
    • 如果您发现可疑的交易,请立即通知ACFCU潜在的欺诈行为以保护自己。
  • 撇脂


    • 不要使用看起来被篡改过的ATM机或信用卡机器。
    • 当你在自动取款机或信贷机上输入密码时,用手保护你的密码。


  • 钓鱼网站

    网络钓鱼骗局包括 "欺骗性 "电子邮件和欺诈性网站,它们看起来好像是由你已经认识的人或组织发送的,并要求你提供或 "验证 "你的个人隐私信息(密码、信用卡号码、账户号码等)。为了避免网络钓鱼。

    • Be suspicious of any email that is marked with urgent requests and asks for personal information or directs you to a login page.
    • Avoid clicking on any clickable options, whether it is clickable link, button, or clickable unsubscribe option, in an email you’re unsure is authentic.
    • Avoid scanning any QR code that appears in your email if you’re unsure it is authentic.
    • Avoid replying to any email or text message if you’re unsure it is authentic.
    • Avoid opening or downloading any attachments in the emails if you’re unsure it is authentic.
    • Check the sender’s email address carefully for any inconsistencies.
    • Scammers can take advantage of any known news or events and create a fake email to attract targets to take actions e.g., holiday season sales, veterans day sales, or any other current major global, national, or local news and events.
    • Be suspicious of emails that claim to be from your financial institution and request information from you.
    • Install a firewall and anti-spyware on your computer and update your browser with security patches regularly.
  • 兴业证券

    SMiShing是 "SMS"(发短信的技术术语)和 "网络钓鱼 "的结合,利用短信促使个人向 "SMiSher "提供其个人隐私信息。为了避免SMiShing。

    • 千万不要回复要求提供个人、隐私信息的短信。如果发现你的账户有可疑的活动,我们会打电话或发短信,你可以按照指示回答有关你最近的卡片活动的问题。
  • 身份盗窃


    • 除非是你发起的交易,否则千万不要通过电话/互联网提供个人信息。
    • 不要在你的钱包里携带你的社会安全卡。
    • 将你随身携带的所有卡片和资料复印(正面和背面),以防钱包被盗,并将其保存在一个安全的地方。
    • 立即销毁所有未使用的预先批准的信用卡优惠。
    • 每天及时从你的邮箱中取出邮件,如果你计划长时间不在城里,请邮局保管你的邮件,直到你回来。
    • 每年检查你的免费信用报告,以确保所有信息的准确性。


  • 出纳员支票骗局


  • 祖父母的骗局

    这种长期存在的骗局以年长的受害者为目标,假装是他们的孙子或孙女,要求他们为紧急情况汇钱给他们,但不提供太多细节。他们可能会说 "请不要告诉妈妈或爸爸 "或 "我的鼻子破了,所以我听起来可能很奇怪 "之类的话。

  • 陪审团任务骗局


  • 医疗保险骗局


  • 甜心骗局


  • 国税局的骗局

    这些骗子声称受害者欠国税局的钱,必须及时支付,否则会被逮捕、驱逐出境或被吊销驾照。有时,打电话的人变得咄咄逼人,警告人们如果不立即付款,警长或当地执法部门就会出现在他们家门口。 国税局绝不会打电话要求你立即在电话中付款,威胁要把当地警察找来,在电话中询问信用卡或借记卡号码,或要求你使用特定的付款方式来缴税。

  • 技术支持骗局


  • 朋友/亲戚在医院受骗



Tips To Strengthen Your Digital Presence

  • Don't Overshare on Social Media

    Be mindful of the information you share on social media platforms. Cybercriminals often use personal details gathered from your profiles to target you and even your family members.

  • Don't Click on Suspicious Links

    Stay vigilant against phishing attempts by verifying the legitimacy of unexpected links in emails or messages, as these scams aim to exploit trust and compromise your online security. If you receive a call from someone claiming to be from a trusted company, even if the caller ID seems legitimate, it’s best to end the call and independently contact the company using a trusted number to verify the authenticity of the call.


  • Protect Your Social Security Number (SSN)

    Your SSN is a precious piece of information. Only disclose it when absolutely necessary and to trusted entities, and never carry your Social Security card in your wallet.

  • Hang Up on Robocalls

    If you receive unsolicited calls requesting sensitive information such as bank account details, SSNs, birthdates, or any other personal data, hang up immediately. Legitimate organizations won’t ask for such information without a valid reason.

  • Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

    Enabling MFA on your accounts is crucial in securing your digital presence, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized access and safeguarding your sensitive information from potential security threats.

  • Monitor Billing Cycles

    Pay close attention to your billing cycles. If you notice that bills or financial statements are delayed, contact the sender to verify the situation.

  • Review Financial Statements

    Regularly review your credit card and bank account statements. Compare receipts with the information on your statements to detect any unauthorized transactions promptly.

  • Shred Sensitive Documents

    Dispose of sensitive documents such as receipts, credit offers, account statements, and expired credit cards by shredding them. This helps prevent identity theft, especially from people rummaging through trash.

  • Set Large Transactions Alerts On Your Account:

    By signing up for these alerts, you’ll immediately be made aware of any suspicious activity associated with your accounts. Staying aware of account activity is important, particularly if there’s fraud.

    Here are the steps to set up alerts on your account:

    1. Login to Online移动银行.
    2. For mobile, click the “更多” menu at the bottom of the screen.
    3. Click on “Notifications” and “Alerts”.
    4. Select the account for which you want to set up an alert.
    5. Click the toggle button for “交易” and set your preferences in the window that opens.
    6. Set your dollar amountdelivery method. You can get a text, email or push notification, or all three!
    7. Click 拯救.

  • Check Your Credit Reports Annually

    Obtain and review your credit reports from major credit bureaus at least once a year. Ensure there are no suspicious activities or errors that could negatively affect your credit score.

保护自己免受欺诈。如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请直接通过手机或网上银行的安全信息联系ACFCU,或发送电子邮件至 acfcu@annccb.com1 (电子邮件不安全,所以不要包含任何私人信息),或致电: 703.526.0200 x4.


虽然我们确实在监测欺诈或可疑活动,并可能主动与你联系,但我们绝不会打电话要求提供保密信息,如你的整个账户号码或密码。请联系我们。703.526.0200 x4,如果您提供了保密信息。信息和数据费可能适用。
